Testimonials from Neolithic Age
The area known today as Palù di Livenza was populated since the ancient Paleolithic (ca 4900 BC.). Excavations have revealed three different types of structures that testify to a pile-dwelling settlement of the place until the late Neolithic period. The materials found are many, stone and pottery tools and objects.
The site of Palù di Livenza is one of the most ancient dwelling sites in northern Italy and one of the few sites where is particularly promising a thorough study of the modes of adaptation to the environment of prehistoric man.
The sediments saturated with water, have in fact allowed the preservation of perishable items (plant, pollen, wood) that make up a rich archive of data about the environments and the material culture of prehistoric man.
Thanks to the exceptional dating of the finds and the importance that the archaeological area covers in Italy , Palù has been included in the lists of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Paleolithic site, in fact, along with other similar areas concentrated in the Alps (from France to Slovenia, also including Germany, Switzerland, Austria and several Italian cities), is part of the ” Prehistoric Pile Dwellings of the Alps Region”. The area is known for its archaeological peculiarities since 1800.
The archaeological remains found in the dwelling site are now preserved in the Archaelogical Museum of Friuli Occidentale.
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