11 June, 2013
You can make, by prior arrangement, guided learning paths for students. The route, to be established with teachers, may be associated with a visit to the Museo Archeologico del Friuli Occidentale, which houses the archaeological finds of Palù di Livenza. For information and reservations...
11 June, 2013
Dendrochronology is the most reliable method for dating prehistoric settlements in the wet area, because it is based on the measurement of the growth rings of trees...
11 June, 2013
The special conditions of preservation of organic remains in deposits soaked with water, allow to find materials in good condition, getting information about the daily life of prehistoric settlements much more complete than in the traditional dry archaeological sites...
11 June, 2013
Le particolari condizioni di umidità hanno permesso la conservazione anche di altri resti, meno appariscenti, ma non per questo meno importanti, i semi di cereali consumati dalle popolazioni neolitiche del villaggio. Si coltivavano contemporaneamente diversi cereali: l’orzo, il farro, il frumento tenero o quello duro e il farro...
10 June, 2013
Project: Municipality of Caneva (PN) Developing of scientific and archaeological content (text and photos): Dott. Roberto Micheli | Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Friuli Venezia Giulia – MiBAC | roberto.micheli@beniculturali.it Dott.ssa Nicoletta Rigoni | Archaeological Museum of Friuli Occidentale |...