7 June, 2013
Terms of Use This document contains the legal conditions for access and use of the website www.paludilivenza.it and the use of the materials contained. The user agrees to abide by them. Ownership of the website www.paludilivenza.it is owned by the municipality of Caneva , with registered office in Piazza Martiri Garibaldini, 8 – p.iva...
6 June, 2013
Subscribe to our free newsletter: you can stay informed about news and events going on at the Palu di Livenza and in the municipality of Caneva. To receive the newsletter directly in your e-mail, simply enter your email address in the field provided. Once you sign up, you will receive an email in your inbox. [&hellip...
5 June, 2013
Home Nature The territory Vegetation Wildlife, hunting and fishing Photogallery Archeology Palù di Livenza Presentation Wetlands and archaeological sites The Palù and the river Livenza L’iscrizione Unesco Pile dwellings Pile dwellings: to live on the water The preservation of organic remains Excavations and research 30 years of...
20 May, 2013
Read more Bartolomei G. 1997. L’evoluzione geomorfologica del Palù di Livenza (Polcenigo) e l’insediamento preistorico del Neolitico recente. In Gaspardo D. (a cura di), Insediamenti preistorici del Friuli occidentale, Fiume Veneto, pp. 105-108. Bassetti M. e F. Cavulli 2002. Contributi alle ricerche paleoambientali nel bacino del...
16 May, 2013
For further information relating to the prehistoric dwelling sites in the Alpine area: UNESCO World Heritage Centre: whc.unesco.org The prehistoric dwelling sites in the Alps: www.palafittes.ch UNESCO World Heritage – MiBAC office: www.unesco.beniculturali.it Italian National Commission for UNESCO: www.unesco.it/cni...